or A huge piece of financial stability is planning for the future while also providing for the ever-precious present. Endowments are a vital component to creating long-term sustainability for Central Christian College of Kansas. Your endowed gift is a powerful, generous gift to the institution that will tangibly enrich the financial viability of Central. Your endowment contribution will leave a legacy for countless generations of Central students. Endowments can be created with a minimum gift of $20,000.
To help make a difference at Central through an Endowment Gift today, please fill out the form below! Or connect with the Central Christian College Foundation at (620) 504-3000 or [email protected]
- Endowed Chair $500,000
- Named Scholarship $75,000
- Lecture Series $20,000
- General Institutional $20,000
To help make a difference at Central through an Endowment Gift today, please fill out the form below! Or connect with the Central Christian College Foundation at (620) 504-3000 or [email protected]